Do you or someone you know work in a hospital pharmacy and/or have information about the industry that colleagues should know?

The Pharmacy Angle is continually seeking hospital pharmacy or industry related professionals to contribute to the peer learning process through either written word or video. The choice of topic is open but must be timely and relevant to those working in the industry and will be vetted by our Editorial Advisory Board and staff. We encourage people from different sized facilities, backgrounds, roles, and geographical locations to be a part of the shared content. Individuals, duos/groups, and companies are welcome to submit their ideas for consideration.
In general, Pharmacy Angle is looking for the following types of written content:
- Peer-to peer recommendations & best practices (approximately 500-750 words)
- Executive Interviews
- Op-ed commentaries
- Research articles, documents, etc.
- Whitepapers
- Advertorials
Peer recommendations & best practices and executive interviews can also be conducted virtually and recorded for publication on the site. Webinars and round table discussions are also styles of video content being sourced and considered for use on the platform.
Those interested in participating should email and/or In your message, please indicate the topic (if you have one already in mind) and/or the type of content you’d be most interested in providing. From there a call to discuss further details will be scheduled.